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Lebanese and American Cultures By Sergio Nassif & Nicolas Daddeh

  Sergio Nassif & Nicolas Daddeh Both of us coming from different nationalities, we decided to compare each culture. The United States of America is a large continent, it has more people, more religions that are practiced, more values… But Nicolas insisted and wanted to prove to me that despite the size, Lebanon’s culture can be compared to the Americans because of how beautiful and enriching the Middle East is. Starting with their history, they both shaped the values of the American and Lebanese people but obviously in different meanings since they both experienced different kinds of history. They both show respect, pride and acknowledge the ones who still follow the old habits and values. Lebanon’s history was mainly focused on getting freedom and they struggled a lot through the process. Because of this, nowadays, the Lebanese citizens still live with the same morals and strive when it comes to their country’s freedom. Regarding America’s history, they have

Intercultural communication between France and Lebanon

Group: Jana Assi, Karim Zaarour, Khaled Ghutmi, Lea Sabayon                                              Our group made the decision to discuss the amazing similarities and differences between the French and Lebanese cultures. As one of our group members is a French citizen, it would be interesting to search about her background and where she grew up. Below we will consider the Language, Types of foods, sports, music, etc...  Language:   France: The official language spoken in France is French. However, there is a massive number of citizens who also speak English Lebanon: In Lebanon, the spoken language is Arabic, however, French is also one of the most popular languages due to the French colonization in 1920. Lebanese also speak English, so they are known to speak all three languages in this country. Food: France:   The French are pretty famous for their food. The baguette, which is a long, thin loaf of bread, is the most important p