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Lebanese and American Cultures By Sergio Nassif & Nicolas Daddeh

  Sergio Nassif & Nicolas Daddeh
Both of us coming from different nationalities, we decided to compare each culture.

The United States of America is a large continent, it has more people, more religions that are practiced, more values… But Nicolas insisted and wanted to prove to me that despite the size, Lebanon’s culture can be compared to the Americans because of how beautiful and enriching the Middle East is.

Starting with their history, they both shaped the values of the American and Lebanese people but obviously in different meanings since they both experienced different kinds of history. They both show respect, pride and acknowledge the ones who still follow the old habits and values.

Lebanon’s history was mainly focused on getting freedom and they struggled a lot through the process. Because of this, nowadays, the Lebanese citizens still live with the same morals and strive when it comes to their country’s freedom.

Regarding America’s history, they have the same principles and morals. They respect everything American Public Figures did for their country.
Of course, they both have iconic monuments such as the Statue of Liberty in New York, Washington Monument in DC, Byblos Castle in Lebanon, Raouche Rocks…

When it comes to food, Lebanon has a bigger variety of choices. In America, there isn’t much of a “traditional dish”, they are mostly known for the Fast Food, mainly burgers.
When it comes to Lebanese people, they take big pride in their food: Tabbouleh, “Kebbeh Nayeh”, Hummus, “waraa 3enab” ….


In Lebanon, the main language is Arabic. All though it is a very small country, we have so many schools and universities. The Lebanese families put education as their priority. Because of this, 2 other languages are used here, French and English.
Some people even use it in the famous Lebanese sentence all together “Hey Kifak cava?

Lebanese people are very attached to their religion and families, they have strong tights and respect mostly toward older people. In this Country, the main two religions are Islam and Christianity and there is mutual respect towards them.

There are Similarities in The United States of America, a state called Michigan follow the same values and social practices. There is a big Lebanese Diaspora living in this state while in other regions, the family bound isn’t very strong.

If you are really interested and want to get more information, please find below a link to an interesting YouTube video:


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