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The Lebanese Culture

picturesin .com    The Lebanese culture has been affected by p hoenicians  ,   Assyrians , the  Greeks , and the  Romans . Lebanon celebrates national and both  Christian  and  Muslim  holidays.Christian holidays Christmas, Easter Muslim holidays are followed based on the Islamic lunar calendar. Muslim holidays that are celebrated include Eid al-Fitr (the three-day feast at the end of the Ramadan month), Eid al-Adha (The Feast of the Sacrifice) which is celebrated during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca and also celebrates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God, the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad, and Ashura. Lebanon's National Holidays include Workers Day, Independence day, and Martyrs Day. Lebanon is also known for its variety of festivals. These festivals mainly happen in Baalbeck International Festival ,  Byblos International Festival ,  Beiteddine International Festival , Broumana Festival, Batroun Festival, Dhour Chwer Festival and Tyr Festival. Moreove

Lebanese/Belgian Cultures

Lebanon:  The Lebanese culture is one of the most exciting cultures to look at. Lebanon has been for ages the place to be for many civilizations. These civilizations inhibited Lebanon, and left it full with ancient artifacts, and traces of its glorious past. From these civilizations I mention: The Phoenicians The Babylonians The Persians The Macedonians The Romans The Ottomans one of the most important aspects of the Lebanese culture is its cuisine. Lebanon shares with its fellow Levant states patents for many delicious foods that are now globally known. Of these food we mention:   Tabbouleh: tabbouleh is the number one salad in Lebanon. Although many may disagree on some ingredients, all share the love of this salad.  Kebbeh Neyye: kebbeh neyye is literally minced raw meat. It may be scary at first, but a little courage will lead you to one of the best things you would ever taste.   Warak Enab: warak enab is grape (vine) leav
Lebanese FLAG AFTER THE INDEPENDENCE  - .COMPARISON BETWEEN LEBANON AND FRANCE   Independence day :   In Lebanon we have the Independence day on November 22,1943 and it was from the french government. In France it is a totally different story it is in the 14th of July (Fete De le prise de la bastille) and it was a continuity of the french   revolution on 1789. Culture  : at  school celebrating  our last days 2016 In Lebanon we have Dabke which is so famous in almost every gathering in Lebanon and it should be  done by several dancers and each gender have a different role. We shake hands as shown in the picture and start turning in circles . In France their is the Waltz dance which is dance that can be done alone and it has specific beats that you dance upon. This dance is not common in France compared to Dabke in Lebanon. The food : prepared by my mother(TABOLE,MAKDOS,EGGPLANTS,VINE LEAVES)  this is a picture of a an ordinary dinner  were

Differences between Lebanon and Belgium

Differences between Lebanon and Belgium I’m half Belgian and half Lebanese and through my life I could figure out many cultural differences between these two countries. Here i'm going to present these differences. Languages: Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. Language policy in Belgium is the responsibility of the Communities. Conflicts between the speakers of these languages are the source of Belgian community problems. In Lebanon, Arabic is the official language and belongs to a group of dialects called Syro-Libano-Palestinian. Relatively close to the modern standard Arabic, it differs in some points, having received various influences from different Arabic oriental dialects. French is also a language practiced in Lebanon, as much for simple communication than for teaching. English is also a language used in teaching. Religi on: However the pricipal reliogion in Belgium is the catholic religion, it defines itself as a ne