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Differences between Lebanon and Belgium

Differences between Lebanon and Belgium

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I’m half Belgian and half Lebanese and through my life I could figure out many cultural differences between these two countries. Here i'm going to present these differences.


Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. Language policy in Belgium is the responsibility of the Communities. Conflicts between the speakers of these languages are the source of Belgian community problems.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "flandre wallonie"In Lebanon, Arabic is the official language and belongs to a group of dialects called Syro-Libano-Palestinian. Relatively close to the modern standard Arabic, it differs in some points, having received various influences from different Arabic oriental dialects. French is also a language practiced in Lebanon, as much for simple communication than for teaching. English is also a language used in teaching.


However the pricipal reliogion in Belgium is the catholic religion, it defines itself as a neutral state. This neutrality is reflected in the recognition of certain religions and non-confessional organizations. This recognition is accompanied by the funding of the cult as well as the organization in schools of courses derived from these religions or philosophical option.
The religions in Lebanon are divided into 18 confessions recognized by the state, mainly Muslim and Christian.


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "specialites belges"Both Lebanon and Belgium are known for their cuisine; however they are really different in this domain. When Belgium is famous for its fries, biers, chocolate, and waffles, the Lebanese specialties are the “Mezzes”, which are all kind of appetizers such as tabbouleh.

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Belgian music, like the country, has a double linguistic heritage depending on whether one considers the Flemish Community or the French Community of Belgium. Its tendance has passed through different music style such as jazz, rock, and nowadays, pop with the famous Stromae.
Lebanese music is rich and is listened to throughout the Arab world. Lebanese music is predominantly oriental, although Lebanese singers tend to mix this style with other Western genres. Some famous lebanese singers are Fairuz, Sabah,...


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "equipe foot belge"In Belgium there are many practiced sports such as tennis, basketball, or judo but the most popular one is decidedly the football. The national football is very strong, and every time there is a game, the whole nation takes part to the event. In Lebanon, sport is very popular, mostly basket and football but there isn’t any strong team at the professional level.


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