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Armenian-Lebanese cultural link.

Armenian-Lebanese cultural link Mark Azadian History repeating itself: Based on what I have learned from the differences and similarities of both the Lebanese and Armenian cultures is that both have a historical context, in Lebanon, you have the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Persians, Greeks and many others that have all ruled Lebanese lands once. While in Armenia, there used to be the Armenian Kingdom, Roman Empire, Byzantinian Empire, Ottomans and many other. This produced many historical landmarks that were left by these cultures, for example in Lebanon you have Byblos which was once a Phoenician city, or the ancient town of Baalbek (temple of Bacchus built by the Romans), or the famous city Sidon; constructed by the Phoenicians and used as a commercial port. While in Armenia we can also find historical landmarks left by the past rulers of its lands, for example, we have the famous Areni 1 cave that was inhabited during 5000 B.C. or Etchmiadzin; one of the wor
Between Belgium and Lebanon, here lies the difference..                 VS. - Architecture:  Before getting to know the real civilization of either Lebanon or Belgium, visiting museums and historical landmarks in both countries identifies a similarity in the architecture of buildings which has the mark of Romans in addition to Phoenicians and French in Lebanon. Pinterest - Art:  a. Cinema: Belgium had been able to produce some low budget movies which were funded by governments in the region of this country, and some of these films were able to make it to the "Cannes Film Festival". In comparison to Lebanon's interest in this field, over 500 movies had been produced ever since the 1920s, and were able to reach various film festivals and awards as being national movies. b. Music: Cesar Frank is considered to be an important classical music composer in Belgium. The saxophone

Kurdish Culture in comparison with Lebanese Culture

The Kurdish culture and the Lebanese culture are quite similar in many aspects including religion, hospitality, code of conduct, food and family. There are also vast differences like language, geography and music. Here I'll compare each aspect separately. Food Food is an important aspect because it defines a big part of culture. A society with their own types of food have a history and thus a strong and content culture. Both Kurdish people and Lebanese people are very proud of their special kinds of foods and they are both quite tasty. Traditional Kurdish food includes yaprakh, niskene, tapsi, shifta and makluba. Traditional lebanese food includes tabbouleh, fattoush, hummus, kebbeh and wine.  Kurdish Cuisine Lebanese Cuisine Religion Kurds are predominantly Sunni Muslim, however there are many other groups of religions including Yezdanism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Judaism, so there is a lot of diversity. As I understand, Lebanon has a lot of
Lebanese culture- Religion: very diverse , many different sects of religions in Lebanon, north and south being (sunni and shia) , Mountains ( Christians/ Druz). Syria's religions are spread all over the country, having both Muslims and Christians and even some Jews divided throughout the Syrian land. Food: Food is similar to Syrian, since both lands were controlled by the Ottoman rule, both neighboring countries got the same food. Family: Lebanese families tend to be big, they also have a close connection as they meet twice or usually once a week, Days known ( Friday -Muslims- or Sunday -Christians- ) Music: Lebanese and Syrian music are the same looking at it from the Arab perspective. If you want to compare Lebanese music to other Arabic music, Syrian will be the closest to it, as both Arab dialects are similar. Lebanon is affected more by the West, as people here tend to listen to French music more. Close countries: Syria and Lebanon are known to be close countries, i
comparison between france and Lebanon :  concerning holidays : Christmas is the major holiday and Easter is not that famous the independence day is on 14 july / fete de la prise de la bastille and it is against the monarchy it was due to the French revolution in 1789 .Most of the French population are atheists  (athe) unlike Lebanon were the mojerty of the population are religious. Women have the right to pass their nationality to their children while in Lebanon women lack this specific criterion. In France the driving licence is so hard to get at early stages and is way more expensive it can go up to 2000 euros;unlike Lebanon were you can easily bribe to get their own licences at the age of 18. What also differs is that on identity card they do not put the religion nor the sect. 

Singaporean/Lebanese culture

the difference and similarities between the Singaporean and the Lebanese culture. in the aspect of food, Singaporean's eat everything. they have a variety of different foods from all around the world. in Lebanon for example, their Sunday lunch consist of bbq, tabbouleh, houmos, fattoush etc... in the aspect of music, traditional Singaporean music is very related to the ones of the Chinese due to the fact that many Singaporean's and originally Chinese. in Lebanon, you have the aood, and the derbake. in the aspect of dancing, the Singaporeans dont have an actual traditional dance, each race has its own dance and they combine them all together. in Lebanon we have the dabke, which is a very common dance in Lebanon that has been used for so many generations. they dance dabke in weddings and parties and every time there is music on. These pictures have been taken from Google: Lebanese Food