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Between Belgium and Lebanon, here lies the difference..


- Architecture: 

Before getting to know the real civilization of either Lebanon or Belgium, visiting museums and historical landmarks in both countries identifies a similarity in the architecture of buildings which has the mark of Romans in addition to Phoenicians and French in Lebanon.

- Art: 

a. Cinema: Belgium had been able to produce some low budget movies which were funded by governments in the region of this country, and some of these films were able to make it to the "Cannes Film Festival". In comparison to Lebanon's interest in this field, over 500 movies had been produced ever since the 1920s, and were able to reach various film festivals and awards as being national movies.

b. Music: Cesar Frank is considered to be an important classical music composer in Belgium. The saxophone was invented by a musician from Belgium and jazz was quite remarkable at international standards in this country. However; later on, pop music and hip hop started to intervene the field of music. Folk music of Lebanon is presented by the traditionalists such as Fairuz, Sabah, and Wadih ElSafi.. As conventions interfered in this field, a combination of Latin Roman and Lebanese tones mixed up to come with new flavors of music. In addition to recent pop music presented by various artists and singers.
Cesar Frank

c. Cuisine: The aroma and the fine texture of food presented by the cuisines of the two countries is incomparable. However, Belgium cuisines evolved beer, fried potatoes, chocolate and waffles. Whereas Lebanese dishes are mainly to be presented by the Mezze, which is a wide collection of appetizers including kebbeh and tabouleh. 

Beer, fries, chocolate and waffles

d. Fashion: Belgium country doesn't really present an ancient cultural costume. As for the Lebanese, men are seen to be dressed in baggy pants called the sherwal, and women are mainly dressed by colorful skirts.

e. Language: Two main groups are seen in Belgium; one speaks Dutch called the Flemish and the other speaks French and named by the Walloons. As for the Lebanese language, Arabic is the official language used which is a hybrid of Turkish French Greek and Phoenician languages, those of which who had occupied the land centuries ago.

f. Visual Art: Peter Paul Rubens is an artist who has a wide collection of his work displayed in museums of Belgium. Moreover, this country is famous with its comic creations and cartoons published in papers and magazines. As for Lebanon, Mostafa Farroukh is one remarkable painter who has his art visualized by people over Beirut and New York. In addition, Lebanon is famous with its dabkeh traditional dance.

AUB Dabkeh Competition

- Sports:

Football is a common sport in Belgium, in addition to tennis, judo, hockey and many others. As for Lebanon. basketball is the most famous and practiced sport between its citizens, and others such as football, Rugby, and weightlifting..

- Society: 

Lebanon is considered a westernized and liberal country in comparison to other Middle Eastern communities. Homosexuality is still kind of a taboo to be taken into consideration and discussed in public; however, organizations are being found in order to support people of such cases. On the contrary, the Belgium society is more tolerant to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender. This country have legalized the rights for these people concerning marriage and adoption. 
As for Belgium women, they have occupied the gender gap by invading the field of work and gaining an approximate salary in comparison to that of a man. In Lebanon, where some women are still being the victims of domestic violence, others are seeking higher education and significant occupations in the field of work and politics. Organizations have been found in order to support women to call for their equal civil rights, where we can see a Lebanese mother is not allowed to offer her children her nationality if married to a foreign man.


Roman Catholic is the dominant religion in the Belgium society, as for Lebanon we can see 18 different religious sects, all classified under three main groups Islam, the dominant one, followed by Christianity and then comes Druze.


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