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Lebanese culture-

Religion: very diverse , many different sects of religions in Lebanon, north and south being (sunni and shia) , Mountains ( Christians/ Druz). Syria's religions are spread all over the country, having both Muslims and Christians and even some Jews divided throughout the Syrian land.

Food: Food is similar to Syrian, since both lands were controlled by the Ottoman rule, both neighboring countries got the same food.

Family: Lebanese families tend to be big, they also have a close connection as they meet twice or usually once a week, Days known ( Friday -Muslims- or Sunday -Christians- )

Music: Lebanese and Syrian music are the same looking at it from the Arab perspective. If you want to compare Lebanese music to other Arabic music, Syrian will be the closest to it, as both Arab dialects are similar. Lebanon is affected more by the West, as people here tend to listen to French music more.

Close countries: Syria and Lebanon are known to be close countries, influencing each other throughout their history. Throughout the century that passed, both countries have been on good and bad terms, but the ties between families keep them close. As many Lebanese families have Syrians  in them, and many Syrian families have Lebanese members in them. One example is me, as my dad is half Lebanese, having a large Lebanese famiy in Lebanon and my family in Syria, both being very similar.

Other languages: In Lebanon, French is the second language, and on many occasions you'll find Lebanese people that speak french better than Arabic. In Syria, it was english that used to be the second language, as Syrians in the past did not adopt the French culture, as they stayed attached to their arabic one. Today, Russian is becoming more popular in Syria as they are teaching the language in schools.

Gender: Both very open on both sexes, where women and men have equal rights without no discrimination. Women are represented better in both countries, better than other Arab countries, where sometimes a woman cannot drive. Feminine gender is respected in the society and treated equally to men.

Special: Something special about Lebanon is the flag. Only Arab country with a Cedar tree as an emblem on the flag. Cedar tree is grown in Lebanon, later on known to be the national emblem for the country. The name Syria means "The Sun" in ancient Greece.

Map of Syria and Lebanon

Lebanon's religions

Food that was adopted by Lebanese/Syria cultures

Syria's religions

Lebanon's & Syria's flags


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