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Intercultural Communication Between Lebanon and Qatar

By: Yara Abou Mjahed, Lynn Badran and Sarah Wehbe


Capital: Beirut
Population: 6,229,794 (July 2017 est.)
Total area:10,452 km2

Retrieved from The CIA factbook

Photo credits: Hussein Wehbe


Capital: Doha
Population: 2,314,307 (July 2017 est.)
Total area: 11,586 km2

Retrieved from The CIA factbook
Photo credits: Hussein Wehbe


The weather in Lebanon is Mediterranean; it is a moderate climate with cool and cold winters, accompanied by heavy rainfalls and snow in the mountains, as well as dry and hot summers.

The weather in Qatar is mainly very hot and humid during summers, but extremely pleasant and moderate weather during winter; it is neither hot nor cold.

National Days:

The Lebanese independence day takes place on the 22nd of November, where people celebrate the independence of Lebanon in the year 1943. A military parade takes place with the presence of the President of the Republic, along with many citizens celebrating with flags and balloons.

Military Parade of Lebanese Independence Day
Photo credits: Naharnet

Military musical parade of the Lebanese Independence Day
Photo credits: The Daily Star Lebanon

Citizens celebrating Lebanese Independence Day
Photo credits: TheNewArab

The National Day of Qatar takes place on the 18th of December. It is a very important event for the qataris and the different cultures present in the country. The event consists of a military parade in the presence of Emir of Qatar and the royal family, along with the citizens. People celebrate in different ways, and at night, the state organizes a firework show.

Different celebrations of Qatar National Day
Photo credits:

Military Parade of Qatar National Day
Photo credits: Arabian Business

Fireworks during the night of Qatar National Day, 2010
Photo credits: Hussein Wehbe

Barbara and Garangao: 

Barbara and Garangao are respectively Lebanon and Qatar's counterpart to the Halloween celebration.

In Lebanon, people celebrate Saint Barbara's Holiday on the 4th of December, where kids dress up in costumes and go around houses with a bag, and get raisins, sweets or sugar. Families gather and cook a feast which consists of traditional food, which consists of a bowl of boiled wheat grains, pomegranate seeds, raisins, anise and sugar.

A bowl of traditional Barbara food
Photo credits: Lebanon Traveler

Kids disguised in costumes for Barbara celebrations
Photo credits: CTI

In Qatar, people celebrate Garangao on the 14th night of the Holy Month of Ramadan. During the festival, children get dressed up in festival robes, carry a bag around their neck, and go around in groups in the neighborhood, singing special songs, knocking the doors of neighbors, and receiving nuts and candy from them.
Kids wearing traditional costumes during Garangao
Photo credits: Marhaba

Garangao treats
Photo credits: What's goin on Qatar


Lebanese cuisine is a Levantine style of cooking that includes an abundance of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, starches, fresh fish and seafood.
The Lebanese cuisine includes many dishes such as:

Lebanese Fatteh
Photo credits: Wikipedia

Lebanese Tabbouleh
Photo credits: Wikipedia

A plate with various Lebanese foods
Photo credits: Wikipedia

Qatari cuisine is made up of traditional Arab cuisine. Machbus, a meal consisting of rice, meat and vegetables, is the national dish in Qatar. Seafood and dates are staple food items in the country.
A few Qatari dishes include:

Photo credits: Wikipedia

Image result for om ali
Om Ali
Photo credits: Wikipedia

Image result for karak tea
Karak Tea
Photo credits: Al-Arabiya

Qatar Culture and Tradition
Video credits: bestdestination

Lebanese Cultures and Traditions
Video credits: khounkhoun


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