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Lebanon vs North Korea

Lebanon and North Korea are two very different countries. Legislature :  In Lebanon : We have a parliament, a president, a prime minister, and a speaker of the parliament. The country is a multi-confessional republic. In North Korea : They have a supreme people's assembly, and instead of the president they have a supreme leader, that takes all of the country's decisions without being questioned. The country is under a totalitarian dictatorship. Human rights :  Human rights are highly respected in Lebanon. We can find in the Lebanese government the freedom of speech , where people are free to express themselves and give their opinions. We also have the freedom of the press , which is something not very common in most countries. The country is starting to help refugees  more and more, and a great example is that when the Arab Spring arrived, Lebanon was the only country with no deaths during protests. We can also find the freedom of religion , where people are all

Comparing Saudi Arabia and Iran

Comparing Saudi Arabia and Iran         Saudi Arabia and Iran are states in Western Asia. They are both. Muslim-majority nations, where society is in general deeply religious, conservative, traditional, and family oriented. Many attitudes and traditions are centuries-old, derived from Arab civilization. At first glance, these 2 countries seem to be very similar, but upon looking more into their history and life behaviors, one can notice that they are unalike each other.  Language      Although both Saudi Arabia and Iran write using the letters from the Arabic script, the languages spoken are different, Arabic and Persian respectively, which make Saudi Arabia part of the 22 Arab states, while  Iran is considered as one of the few Persian countries. Government  Saudi Arabia has had a Monarchy and Royal family since 1932, which control most of the kingdom's important posts and has an involvement and presence at all levels of government. On the other hand, I
Comparing Lebanon with a Geographically and culturally neighboring country, Iraq Countries sharing a close geographical location in the world usually share many similar cultural characteristics. So in this post I'll be comparing Lebanon with Iraq, living there for quite enough to be able to emphasize how similar can different countries be, yet at the same time having many differences making each one unique in its own way. Starting off with language Of course both countries speak the formal Arabic language, it's the dialect that's different, mainly speaking, the Lebanese accent kind of sounds softer than the Iraqi accent, for the Iraqi dialect being rich in words and expressions borrowed from the English language, while Lebanese from French, the following is a small comparison of some expressions in each dialect: Lebanese:                                           Iraqi: Rice:              roz / rez                        temmen (from an old english rice

A Comparison Between Spain and Lebanon

Maysaa Khalil and Mohamad Kawtharani Intercultural communication is a regulation that reviews communication crosswise over various societies or social gatherings, or how culture influences correspondence. It also includes understanding the distinctive cultures, languages and traditions of individuals from various nations. For this assignment, we chose to compare Spain to Lebanon. Spain is a highly-developed country and as regarded as one of the most advanced countries in the world. Lebanon, however, is still considered a third world country due to the any problems it faces. Comparing these 2 countries would be interesting because of the many differences and the few similarities between them. Language: In Lebanon, the main language is Arabic, but there are secondary languages that are also used, which are mostly English and French. However, Spaniards speak their native language as a primary language, Spanish, in addition to English as a secondary language. Food: Some of the mo
Comparing Lebanon and Italy      Lebanon is the country where I have lived my whole life. It is located at the crossroads between the Arab world and the Mediterranean Basin, and as such it shares many similarities with other Mediterranean countries, like Spain, Greece and Italy . This is due to a common History those countries share, and consequently close cultures.      To start off, it would be interesting to give some basic information: according to recent statistics, Lebanon is 30 times smaller than Italy, and its population is currently 10 times less. But if we dwelve deeper into their respective cultures, we would be likely to find many similarities.   1- Language:    The Lebanese are known for being very efficient at learning languages. The average Lebanese can speak up to 3 languages: Arabic, French and English. Some are also fluent in Spanish, Italian, or German. Italians mostly speak Italian (97%), and a great majority of the population doesn't speak Englis

Intercultural Communication: Lebanon VS the United States

  Rim Karame Maryah Kulaylat April 18, 2018     Comparing         Lebanon and         the  United               States         We chose to compare Lebanon and the United states because we’ve been to both countries. It’s interesting to compare these two countries because the United States is one of the most advanced first world countries whereas Lebanon is still considered a third world country. Languages In the United States of America, the mother language is English and most people only speak this language since it’s the most dominant language in the world nowadays so it's not necessary for Americans to speak other languages. Which is interesting compared to Lebanon where there are three spoken languages: Arabic, English and French. That is because Lebanon is an Arab country therefore Arabic is the mother language spoken by all categories of people. Also, Lebanon was dominated by France for a long period of time so the French language spread t
Comparing Lebanon to Australia First I should state that Lebanon is my home country where i have been living since childhood and in addition I have never visited Australia but I like this country and i hope to go their in the future. geographic difference : when it comes to the size of the country Lebanon is so much smaller than Australia . where Australia size is about  7,741,220 sq km which is about 774 time the size of Lebanon ( 10400 sq km ) used language :            when it comes to the languages we can see the difference because the main language in Lebanon is the Arabic language while in Australia they use the English language as the primary language .  Economic states :                     According to the below graphs and charts we see the similarity in the change in the unemployment rate in Lebanon that is increasing in the same manner of Australia   food         Lebanon is mostly known by the tabbouleh dishes and their starters w