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Saudi Arabia versus Lebanon

I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 18 years and I have recently moved to Lebanon to continue with my university studies. During this transition, I have realised how the Arabic culture can differ from one country to the other. I have observed many dissimilarities between both environments.  First of all, the most dramatic change was the climatic differences. Usually, when you think about the weather in Saudi Arabia the first thought that comes to mind is the heat, dryness and the sandstorms. It is indeed very contrasting to the weather in Lebanon where all 4 seasons of the year interchange. In Saudi Arabia only two seasons occur during the year : the extreme heat of summer and the boneshaking cold of winter. In Lebanon, the weather is more dynamic and alternates seamlessly without drastic changes. Climate is an important factor which affects a country’s atmosphere. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is a pioneer in architectural technology. The cities of Saudi Arabia ha

Lebanon and Saudi Arabia

Intercultural communication implies the distribution of information through distinctive cultures and societal groups, which involves people from different social, ethnic, religious, and educational upbringings. It seeks to comprehend the ways in which these people act, communicate, and observe the world around them. Since my father is from Saudi Arabia and my mother is from Lebanon, I am going to compare these two cultures that I know so well. Although both countries are part of the Arab world, they are very different. To begin with, Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and home to Islam’s two holiest monuments in Mecca and Medina. So it is a Muslim country. Conversely, although Lebanon’s population is mostly Muslim, there is a big number of Christians and people from other religions. Church and mosque side by side in Beirut. Mecca (Makkah) Because of its Muslim culture and traditions, people in Saudi Arabia are forced to “abayas” regardless of their religion

Lebanon VS Singapore

Singapore :  The way of life of Singapore is ordinarily known as where East meets West. It is affected vigorously by the distinctive traditions every ethnicity delivers and is acknowledged and celebrated. Besides, individuals in Singapore are generally observed as dedicated, vocation driven people. On occasion, this outcomes in the general population being apparently icy and unpleasant, unwilling to make a special effort with a specific end goal to help another person in require. The fundamental religions dominating in Singapore, arranged by rate, are Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Lebanon:  is generally known as the centre point of the Middle-East, its rich decent variety of varying backgrounds furnishes the nation with its interesting feeling of personality. Lebanese are for the most part observed as a glad people, endeavouring to demonstrate that they are the best at whatever they do. Lebanon has endured as far as defilement and framework. The general

Lebanon Vs. Greece

 Exposing yourself to a new culture is always an enriching experience. Foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and interactiveness of thought. it will help us building the ability to make deep connections and having the urge to discover and make new experiences. One of the countries i have visited was Greece, in 2018.  Shockingly, Greece and Lebanon were similar in a lot of aspects. One thing that is common and not refutable that they both are located on the Mediterranean sea but the similarity does not stop here. First thing is the dance, here in Lebanon our traditional dance, other than bellydancing, is the Dabkeh (First image). We do it at events, at weddings, at restaurants, basically anytime, you'll see us in a circle, holding hands, doing our 1-2 step whih is basically the same as that one of greece  "Zorba". (second image)                 second thing is Food. Other than the olives, Lebanese and Greeks have a lot in co

Lebanese vs US Culture

Lebanese vs US Culture             It is known that Lebanon and the US differ in a lot of things, from food and language to culture and lifestyle. The four main categories that they show contrast in are: Communication, Religion, Lifestyle, and Food. From a communication aspect, the language in both cultures is central to all interaction whether within their own country or worldwide. The Lebanese speak Arabic and in the US they speak American, however these two languages (Arabic and English) are in the top 5 most spoken languages in the world either due to the great population both languages belong to or due to the ease of communication that they offer through these languages. English is the second language to most countries of the world which indicates it is a crucial element in communication and in education. Arabic has also been spreading more invasively then before and more non-Arabs are learning the Arabic language and its history.