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Lebanon Vs. Greece

 Exposing yourself to a new culture is always an enriching experience. Foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and interactiveness of thought. it will help us building the ability to make deep connections and having the urge to discover and make new experiences. One of the countries i have visited was Greece, in 2018.  Shockingly, Greece and Lebanon were similar in a lot of aspects. One thing that is common and not refutable that they both are located on the Mediterranean sea but the similarity does not stop here. First thing is the dance, here in Lebanon our traditional dance, other than bellydancing, is the Dabkeh (First image). We do it at events, at weddings, at restaurants, basically anytime, you'll see us in a circle, holding hands, doing our 1-2 step whih is basically the same as that one of greece  "Zorba". (second image)                

second thing is Food. Other than the olives, Lebanese and Greeks have a lot in common with food. Except whereas one is called shawarma, the other is gryos. Among other similar foods we have kebabs (shish tawouk), moussaka/msa'3a and baklava. And Of course our main source of carb is Bread!



Third thing is the culture. Its a well known fact that both Lebanon and Greece have given awesome innovations to the world. There are incalculable stories about Ancient Greece, and about Phoenicia too, which as we as a whole know too well Lebanon was a piece of. They exchanged an awesome arrangement, and showed each other a considerable measure also, for example, the letter set. Fundamentally, both of these extraordinary human advancements were occupied with exchanging savvy.
Greek culture:
Lebanese culture:

Intercultural communication includes a long procedure of seeing how alternate gatherings impart and utilize dialect.
first thing is :Breaking Assumptions 

  • Each group has methods for getting things done as for their way of life and conventions. In any case, people ought not accept that the way they impart is all inclusive and applies to all groups they collaborate with. In one group whistling for example might be a method for indicating satisfaction and unwinding while in another group it is a method for demonstrating cursed thing. People ought to abstain from expecting that the way they do things is the way others do. Individuals should break every conceivable presumption with respect to the utilisation of signs and images too that shift from group to group. To date the distinction in societies is seen for the most part through the different ages of the population — the old and the young adults ages.

second thing is: Be a learner

  • When you are endeavouring to tackle an issue with individuals from different region of the world, you realise that you have a rich open door for learning. Endeavour to concentrate less without anyone else supposition or thoughts and rather, attempt to discover what other individuals' thoughts are, the manner by which those thoughts may mirror their own particular culture and how different perspectives could make a more grounded solution for your concern.

As you speak with individuals from various societies you learn more about them and their lifestyle, including their qualities, history, and propensities, and the substance of their identity. 
As your relationship creates you begin to comprehend them better, maybe notwithstanding identifying with them. Something you will learn (in the long run) is that in spite of the fact that your societies are unique, you have much in like manner. 
As people we as a whole have the same fundamental wants and needs, we simply have distinctive methods for accomplishing them. 
As we discover that our way isn't the main way, we build up a resistance for contrast. This can be refined just when we start associations with individuals who are not quite the same as ourselves.

One of the top barriers that impedes intercultural communication is Language Differences.
Language differences are an undeniable barriers to intercultural communication. On the off chance that you talk just Arabic and a retailer talks just Greek, you won't have the capacity to convey verbally. Regardless of whether you've learned the language or a mediator is accessible, different accents and slang can cause issues. Also, a similar Arabic word may have different implications to individuals from various societies.

by : Sibelle Bou Nassif and Rami Al Chami


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