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Intercultural Communication between Turkey and Peru

Taghreed Shoumen, Dana Atwi, Batoul Abdul Qader, Younes El Khatib
Location: South America
Population: 28.77million
Area: 1.285million km2
Location: Middle East
Population: 71.85 million
Area: 783 562 km2

We decided to search about the interesting facts of Peru and Turkey to expand our knowledge about more cultures, instead of sticking to our countries. In our discussion, we mentioned the interesting facts that are related to  cuisines, languages, dances, and other interesting facts as well.


In Turkey:
There are around 12 types of spoken languages in Turkey. The official and the widespread language is the Turkish language (84.54%) and the next two prevalence ones are the Northern Kurdish (11.97%) and then the Arabic language (1.38%). There are other languages that are described as minority languages like Zazaki, Laz and Greek language and foreign languages such as English. (2018). Languages of Turkey.

 In Peru:
      The republic of Peru official language is Spanish, but there also different language spoken also like: Quechua, Aymara.


In Turkey:
     Most of the Turkish dishes are mostly an inheritage of Ottoman cuisine. The Turks breakfast is rich of dairy products (cheese, yogurt, butter), eggs, vegetables and the most common well known bread “Simit” and they always prefer drinking Turkish tea then coffee after they finish eating. Turkish Cuisine known for plates of rice, soups, Burak, Manti, Menemen and much more others known plates. Usually the plates differ from region to another in Turkey and the food is spiced and rich in fats due to the excessive use of butter and oil. The most known dishes in Turkish Cuisine are: Lahmacun, Iskender kebap and Kofte. Also, a strange and interesting thing is that some desserts are made by chicken. (2018). Turkish cuisine.

In Peru:
Peru is a country rich with different kinds of food,
As most people confirm that the birth place of potato is in Peru, this country continued to be famous in producing potatoes as it has now about 3800 different types of potatoes. Also, Peru is famous for its coffee, it has the most expensive coffee in the whole world named kopi luwak and it costs 500USD. Furthermore, the republic of Peru has 55 kinds of corns.

Dances :

In Turkey:
      Turkey has a complex, sophisticated culture, reflected in the variety of its dances. There are different types of folk dances that are performed in different ways and have different characteristics based on the region. The dances are mainly engaged in weddings, journeys and even in daily life. What is interesting is that there are most of the folk dances are only for men such as Horon, Zeybek and there are some for both men and women like Kasik Oyunu.

Tasting travels(2012). Traditional Turkish Dance. Retrieved from:

 In Peru:
        The most popular and famous dance in Peru is called: Marinera Norteña. This dance is a romantic couple’s dance, it’s also a traditional dance that represents Peruvian culture
 It was taken by Ronald Huamani Garcia. - The camera used was a Nikon Coolpix 3200 digital camera, CC BY 2.5,
Other interesting facts about Peru would be that :
Peru has the second highest range mountain in the whole world after the Himalayas with 7,000 km of length called: “Andes”. It also have the second and third deepest canyons in the world respectively called Colca Canyon and Cotahuasi Canyon with 3,501meters and 3,354 meters. In addition, it has rainbow mountains with colors ranging from turquoise to lavender to maroon and gold.


  •  Here is a video that shows interesting facts in Peru (Magic, History, Art, Culture). These four elements forge the spirit of the land of the sun

[Visit Peru].(2011,June 20).Peru:History and Culture-HQ[video file]. Retrieved from

  • Here's a video that shows 25 interesting things and facts in Turkey

[Infinite Expertise].(2017, Sep 6). 25 Amazing facts about Turkey that will Surprise you. Retrieved from



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