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Lebanon and Armenia

By Lynn Basbous, Charbel Francis and Lea Abou Chedid
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Lebanon is host to the eighth largest Armenian population in the world and was the first Arab League member state that recognized the Armenian Genocide. As a consequence, a special district known as Bourj Hammoud became a  home to more than 150000  Armenians who sought refuge away from the Armenian genocide that took place on April 24th 1915. It is therefore within our interest to evaluate the intercultural relations between these two countries. 

A common History

As we have seen, the Armenian presence in Lebanon during the Ottoman period was minimal; however, there was a large influx of Armenians after the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Maronite Patriach Elias Howayek opened his arms to the Armenian refugees and said, “The piece of bread  that we have, we will share it with our Armenian brothers.” The Armenians started a new life in the midst of the Lebanese hospitable people.

Bourj Hammoud  is a suburb in east Beirut, Lebanon in the Metn district. The suburb is heavily populated by Armenians as it is where most survivors of the Armenian Genocide settled. Bourj Hammoud is an industrious area and is one of the most densely populated cities in the Middle East.

Most streets in Bourj Hammoud are named after various Armenian cities such as Yerevan, mountains such as Aragats, and rivers such as Araks. A lot of streets are also named after cities and regions in modern-day-Turkey which were heavily populated by Armenians such as Cilicia, Marash, Sis, Adana, etc.

Political relations
The vast Armenian community in Lebanon also has several political parties and is recognised as an institution in its own right with reserved seats in parliament. Tashnag is the largest Armenian party in Lebanon, currently in government.

Also, Armenia and Lebanon abolished Visa Requirements between both countries during the official visit of Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan to Baabda Palace meeting there many Political Figures including President Michel Aoun. (For more information and pictures of this event, please visit : Aoun,Sarkisian praise Armenia-Lebanon ties.

Lebanese President Michel Aoun (left) with President Serzh Sarkisian brief the press after their meeting in Yerevan Thursday"I must say that the Armenian community has contributed greatly to Lebanon’s development and prosperity. We rely on them  very much in all aspects. We are a broad society, and the Armenian community has managed to maintain its culture and identity in Lebanon. Of course, we attach importance to and are proud of this pluralism and cultural diversity since we are able to benefit from them and develop Lebanon,” said Aoun (Lebanese president) in his greetings to Sarkisian (the Armenian president).

On May 11, 2000, the Lebanese parliament voted to recognize the Armenian genocide. Lebanon was the first Arabic-speaking country to have done so.

Their culture is harmonious with the Lebanese
Part of why Lebanese Armenians got along with the Lebanese culture is because of the similarity with the latter. From hospitality to family bonds, Lebanese Armenians and Arabs grew together as one family (with their loudness too of course). 

In addition, these two cultures show a lot of similarities in the types of traditional food they are famous for. By comparing a typical Lebanese and Armenian lunch we can rapidly spot several items in common like hummus, kebab, waraa aeinab and others. These similarities highlight the intercultural relations between these two countries that became somehow very related through time.

Image result for typical lebanese lunch
Typical Lebanese lunch
Armenian Food
Typical Armenian lunch

Remembering the Armenian Genocide in Lebanon

Ever since April 24 1915, the Armenian genocide, Armenians gather up in Beirut on that date (April 24) and plan and participate in events ranging from protests to vigils to art exhibitions to panel talks etc... All these events are created in order for them to remember the loved ones they have lost in the brutal genocide by the Ottoman Empire, and of course to make a statement that they will never forget and never forgive such atrocity. 
Moreover, many Lebanese also participate in these events, especially the Lebanese who are friends with Armenians, or who are married with an Armenian man or woman. All this of course is to bring about a sense of unity and a sense of support to stand against the violence that occurred on April 24th 1915 in Armenia.

In addition there are many monuments that were built in Lebanon to remember the victims of the Armenian genocide.
Image result for lebanese armenian cross
Armenian cross  placed 35 meters deep in the Mediterranean Sea, dedicated to the Memory of those Armenians who perished drowning in rivers and seas during the Armenian Genocide
                                         Image result for armenian genocide memorial lebanon     
                                      Armenian Genocide memorial in Bikfaya.


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