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Comparative Study of the Levant

The Levant has been divided and segregated after the secretive Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916, which created national conflicts within the states. So, it is with deep interest in knowing further and delve
in the similarities and differences of the cultures of the segregated countries. And to answer the following 
question: Is there, really, a grand discrepancy in the Levant?


Initially, the Levant consists of, geographically speaking: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon (Cyprus included), Jordan, Palestine, and Turkey (Hatay Province). Noting that, the Levant is located in the continent of Asia.

Ottoman Syria (Purple)

The total population of the Levant is 44,550,926. 

Nature of the Government in the Levant in History:

Studying and observing the Levant, it is concluded that Islam is the dominant religion. Based on that fact, it is imperative to know  how this religion became dominant through looking in-depth to the nature of the government. The Muslim conquest of the Levant occurred in 634 A.D. and the nature of the government, or, broadly, the state was a Caliphate. Meaning, it is a state under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of Caliph.
Nowadays, the states are segregated as was mentioned above which is ruled by multiple of leaders in the national countries. The nature of the Government is crony-Capitalist, meaning not the pure version of Capitalism, and the ruling system is considered to be Democratic. Note that, nationalism is the separating factor betwixt the countries.

Levantine Cuisine:
 Perhaps the most distinctive aspect of Levantine cuisine is Meze including Tabbouleh, Hummus and Baba Ghannoush. But, it is self-evident that dishes have origins, for example: Baklava from Turkey (*there's a dispute whether it is Turkish or Greek). The focal point here is, that dishes are shared and made as if there are no borders or difference, but a common background between the countries.

The dominant religion in the Levant is Islam, due to the conquest of the Levant in the 7th century. But it is worth mentioning other religions from: Christianity and Judaism.


Most Levantine populations speak Levantine Arabic, also known as Mediterranean Arabic (شاميŠāmī). Arabic is an official language, and in Cyprus, the majority language is Greek, followed by Turkish, and then a dialect of Levantine Arabic, Cypriot Maronite Arabic. Overall, the Arabic Language is considered the most used in the Levant.
Traditional Clothes:

The traditional clothes of the villagers in the Levant, one of them was the sherwal, the very full trousers popularly called baggy pants.The sherwal is a prevalent and practical garment among villagers and mountain people. The word sherwal is of Persian origin.                                   
 During the Ottoman period, the traditional clothes or the known ones among the people were as the illustrations exhibit on the right. The fez is a felt headdress of two types: either in the shape of a close-fitting skull cap, or a short cylindrical peakless hat made of kilim fabric, both usually red, and sometimes with a tassel attached to the top. It is named after the Moroccan city Fez, the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco until 1927. The modern fez owes much of its development and popularity to the Ottoman era.

In short, the Levantian countries share more than there differences. It seems the geopolitical borders created by mere foreigners, are what creating conflicts and problems. There are a lot of inter-cultural similarities, but even no "inter," rather nearly the same culture. 


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