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The cultural differences between Lebanon and Russia

I believe that those who live and experinece more than one culture are lucky, as they can benefit from both. Being a Russian and living in Lebanon, I feel connected to both contries in various aspects. Every one of them taught me various traits and values.

The Lebanese culture originated due to various civilizations. It was a home to Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Turks and French.This affected the Lebanese culture and promoted its diversity. Lebanon is composed of different religious groups.

The Russian culture has a long story too. It began with adopting the pagan beliefs and specific ways of life from the East Slavs. Also, the Scandinavian Vikings had a role in building the Russian culture.
Then it was influenced by West Europe. However, in 20th century it
embraced the Communist Ideology, leading to the Soviet Union.


Khalil Gibran(1883-1931), a Lebanese writer, is famous for his book "The Prophet", which was translated into more than 20 languages and distributed all over the world.

Nineteenth century was considered to be the "Golden age of Russian Poetry".
Alexander Pushkin, often called the"Russian Shakespeare" was the founder of modern Russian literature.


In Lebanon, football, along with basketball, are considered to be the most popular sports. The Lebanese National Basketball team was qualified to FIBA World Championship in 2002, 2006,2010 and it is ranked 24th in the world.

Russia, on the other hand, have achieved top rankings in many of the Olympic Games. It is second among all countries by the number of gold medals won. In addition, Russian synchronized swimming is considered the best, as it had won nearly all golden medals in the Olympic Games for over a decade.


Crafts in Lebanon are numerous. Among them we can see Jewlery, Phoenician Tyrian Fabrics and garments woven with gold and silver threads.

Matryoshka is a Russian wooden figure which, upon opening, reveals several similar ones smaller in size. It is painted in an artistic, detailed way and can be found themed as peasant girl, fairy tale character, or even Soviet leaders.


Lebanon, Baalbek, photos taken on 10 November 2016

Beirut, Downtown, Dec 14,2015

Russia,24 August 2016


In conclusion, both cultures represent a big part of me, as I value both of them having experinced different aspects of every culture.


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