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From Paris with love

Cathedrale Notre Dame De Paris(2016)


Post By Tala Awad

Zaitunay Bay, Beirut (2017)

The intercultural communication has broadened people's minds and their conceptions about foreign cultures which created a sort of globalization.
Nowadays, most of the people like to travel around the world to discover the different cultures and lifestyles of many countries and enjoy having cross-cultural interactions.
Communicating with people from different backgrounds, understanding how culture affects communication is really important in order to  communicate appropriately with people of other cultures.


Ever Since I was young, I used to admire the beauty of the French culture, traditions and history, especially after I celebrated my 6th anniversary in Disneyland, Paris.

Disneyland , Paris (2005)

French Food

The French cuisine is one of the most "raffiné" cuisine around the world. The influence and recognition of classical French cooking techniques are legendary because  they are considered as the backbone of many cuisines across the Western World.

La Duree, Champs Elysees, Paris (2017)

French culture

According to the BBC, French is the official language and the first language of 88 percent of the population.

The French believe in égalité, which means equality, and is part of the country's motto: "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité." Many say they place a higher importance on equality than liberty and fraternity, the other two words in the motto.

France is also famous for symbols such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Latin Quarter, Montmartre, and the Georges Pompidou Center make Paris one of the most visited places in the world.

Notre Dame de Paris(2016)

 Montmartre(2016)                                 Invalides(2016)

Facts about France

1)Paris is known as the home to many high-end fashion houses, such as Dior, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel.

2) The handshake is a common way of greeting but friends may great by kissing on both cheecks.

3)French people consider the number 13 as a bad luck.

4)French people think it's okay to open gifts when received.

5)The French are typically offended by any negative comments about their country. Visitors, particularly Americans, often interpret their attitude toward foreigners as rude.

Favorite French songs:
" La foule" by Edith Piaf and "La Boheme" by Charles Aznavour.


The earliest evidence of civilization in Lebanon dates back more than seven thousand years, predating recorded history.Lebanon was the home of the Phoenicians and their kingdoms, a maritime culture that flourished for over a thousand years (c. 1550–539 BC).
The majority of Lebanese people speak Lebanese Arabic, which is grouped in a larger category called Levantine Arabic, while Modern Standard Arabic is mostly used in magazines, newspapers, and formal broadcast media.
70% of Lebanon's secondary schools use French as a second language of instruction. By comparison, English is used as a secondary language in 30% of Lebanon's secondary schools

Lebanese Food

It includes an abundance of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, starches, fresh fish and seafood; animal fats are consumed sparingly. Poultry is eaten more often than red meat. When red meat is eaten it is usually lamb on the coast, and goat meat in the mountain regions.

Favorite Lebanese songs:

"Li Beirut", "Kenna nitla2a" by Fayrouz

Facts about Lebanon

1)The diverse population of Lebanon comes from nearly 18 religions.
2)Lebanon is the only Arab country that has absolutely no desert.
3)Beirut was destroyed 7 times (this is why it is compared to the Phoenix)
4)The name CEDAR (Lebanon's tree appears 75 times in the old testament)
5)70% of the students are in private school.



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