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Showing posts from November, 2017

The cultural differences between Lebanon and Russia

I believe that those who live and experinece more than one culture are lucky, as they can benefit from both. Being a Russian and living in Lebanon, I feel connected to both contries in various aspects. Every one of them taught me various traits and values. The Lebanese culture originated due to various civilizations. It was a home to Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Turks and French.This affected the Lebanese culture and promoted its diversity. Lebanon is composed of different religious groups. The Russian culture has a long story too. It began with adopting the pagan beliefs and specific ways of life from the East Slavs. Also, the Scandinavian Vikings had a role in building the Russian culture. Then it was influenced by West Europe. However, in 20th century it embraced the Communist Ideology, leading to the Soviet Union. LITERATURE Khalil Gibran(1883-1
       Carine Bitar                                                              Lebanon vs London             Lebanon:                                                                                                                                                                     I have spent my entire life living in Lebanon and never has a day gone by where I do not wish I was living here. Lebanon is filled with fun activities and culture and tradition that is so strong that helped grow a bond that ties us Lebanese people together. we share ideas and language and forms of communication that only the people of lebanon can understand.         Now one of my most favorite things about lebanon is the food! Lebanese food is my all time favorite, it immediately brightens up my mood and makes me happier. food brings people together and plays an important role in gatherings and outings. Lebanon is knows for tabbouleh and "mashewe", as well as hummus.   a

Lebanon vs New York

Introduction: Lebanon is where  I  have lived my entire life, where my parents were born and raised, where my grandparents were raised and where I wish to raise my children in the future. Lebanon is a Western Asian country and though it is really small and can barely be spotted on the world map, it has been through many historical events which have embedded its importance world wide and it carries a great culture which helps it move forward. This picture was taken in Zahle  On the other hand, New York is the most populous city in the United States, and one of the cities that I admire. My aunt and her family have moved there and I have visited them during the summer. I simply fell in love with every piece of it. The difference between Lebanon and New York is huge and evident starting from the simplest to larger domains that represent each, such as their cuisines, weather and historical places. Cuisines  In Lebanon: Falafel:  Shawarma: Tabbouleh: