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Singapore and Lebanon

Singapore and Lebanon

- Culture & Religion:

                      The culture of Singapore is commonly known as where East meets West, it is influenced heavily by the different customs each ethnicity brings forth and is accepted and celebrated.
Furthermore, people in Singapore are usually seen as hardworking, career driven individuals. Due to the country's past, colonial rule, Japanese occupancy in World War 2, failed merger with Malaysia, the sheer size of the country and the lack of any form of natural resources; Singapore and Singaporeans had something to prove. As such, the pace in Singapore is very fast, constantly trying to propel themselves to the forefront in every aspect. For example, tourism, finance, education and medicine. At times, this results in the people being seemingly cold and unfriendly, unwilling to go out of their way in order to help someone else in need. The main religions predominant in Singapore, in order of percentage, are Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.

                    Lebanon is commonly referred to as the hub of the Middle-East, its rich diversity of all walks of life provides the country with its unique sense of identity. Lebanese are generally seen as a proud people, striving to prove that they are the best at whatever they do. Due to its country's past, occupancy by many different countries and religious groups such as Romans, French, Ottoman, coupled with its own civil war and then used as a battleground for neighboring countries. Lebanon has suffered in terms of corruption and infrastructure. The people are also very strongly opinionated and usually have strong religious views. However, this does not take away from their general friendliness and hospitality. Often warm, open and good at interacting with other people. The main religions predominant in Lebanon, in order of percentage, are Islam, Christianity and Druze.

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- A picture consisting 4 Singaporean boys, one from each race, embracing each other harmoniously.

- Language:
                  In general, Singaporeans speak at least 2 languages. The first language spoken by every Singaporean is English. The second language depends on the race of the individual. For example, a Chinese Singaporean would take Mandarin as his/her second language, a Malay Singaporean would study Malay and an Indian Singaporean would either study Hindi or Tamal. As such, there are 4 recognized official languages in Singapore. There is also an unofficial "language" spoken by Singaporeans known as Singlish. 

                  In Lebanon, Lebanese generally speak up to 3 languages. The first language spoken is Arabic. Most Lebanese speak French as a second language and study English as a third. 

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-an example of the word "can" used in Singlish.

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-an illustration depicting the transformation and formation of Lebanese Arabic. 

- Food:

                    Food is an integral part of both the Singaporean and Lebanese culture and one which both countries pride themselves on being known for having the best cuisine in their respective regions. Singaporean food much like its culture, adopts the many different races present in Singapore and adapts the original flavor to one that suits the locals. Some of the Signature dishes include: Chicken rice (adopted from the Hainanese Chinese people), Nasi Lemak (adopted from the Malays), Roti Prata (adopted from the Indians) as well as food from every other country. Furthermore, Singapore is well known for having a wide assortment of different fruits. One of which is the infamous Durian fruit, known for its pungent odor and distinctive thorny exterior but its soft creamy flesh within.

              Lebanese food likewise speaks volume to its culture. The traditional Lebanese meal is known as Mezze. Mezze consists of a wide assortment of different dishes, ranging from dips to pastry to meat platters, these dishes are typically shared amongst everyone on the table. Signature dishes include: Hommus, Tabbouleh, Kibbe and the food is traditionally consumed with Arak, a local liquor with a strong aniseed flavor. Fruits native to Lebanon include Figs, Bananas, Olives and a wide assortment of citrus fruits.

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- Some of the local dishes found in Singapore

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- The Durian fruit, with an image of the fruits soft, creamy interior.

- Interesting Facts:

              Since 1967, Singapore has practiced conscript mandatory military service. Every Singaporean male at the age of 18 must serve for a minimum of 2 years full-time. These 2 years are known as National Service and generally must be completed before the individual enters University. This is to ensure equality and non-discrimination among those enlisted, eliminating social and educational standings. National Service can be in the form of Army, Air Force, Navy, Civil Defense (such as Fire-fighters) and the Police force, the vocation will be determined based on the needs of the different sectors. Upon completion of the 2 years, each male will be on stand-by and depending on rank, can be liable up to the age of 50. Defaulting on National Service is a serious office which can result in imprisonment of up to 3 years as well as a fine of $10,000.

            Singapore is also famous for its nationwide ban on chewing gums. Aside from those with a medical prescription, the sale and purchase of chewing gum is illegal.

            Singapore is one of the 3 countries which is a city, capital and a state. The other two are Monaco and the Vatican City. However of these 3, Singapore is also an Island. Making it the only country in the world to be a city, capital, state and an island, all at the same time.

            Lebanon is the only Arab country with absolutely no desert.

            The majority of Lebanese live outside of Lebanon and the majority of Lebanese reside in not Lebanon, but in Brazil.

             Lebanon is a country whose name is known for having the oldest name in the world. With its first reference in the Old Testament of the Bible and it never have been changed, its name is currently over 4000 years old, ranking first on the list of countries with old names.

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- a common pun which calls Singapore a "fine" city, referring to both the many fines imposed on individuals as well as the word fine referring to very good or excellent.

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- Although the statistics may not be accurate as of 2017. This is a visual representation of the residence of Lebanese people worldwide.


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